Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Universe works in mysterious ways... Mice, Cougars, black Panthers and Elephants in a restaurant?

The place is busy, I'm having a beer and sipping on a taste of Priorat with the Owner of the place (which is also my friend). All of a sudden someone shows-up, a couple on their late 50'. I know him, I hope they will not decide to join me and my friend. Tough luck... They did!

So, the guy is in the Wine Industry like me. We sit down at the table and in a matter of 30 seconds he starts badmouthing half a planet: everybody sucks on what they do; he's the best on everything; he knows everybody; he hooks up everybody with everybody; he gives his blessing on major company acquisitions or dropping portfolios... Blah blah blah!!! 

He brought three crappy wines and says are the best, I taste them and politely decline to say what I REALLY thought of them. I brought 4 kick-ass wines and humbly stay quiet. As he tastes the first of my four he starts to talk shit about it. I LITERALLY say in front of his 50something slutty girlfriend and the restaurant owner: "please shut up and enjoy the dinner!"

Now there is an ELEPHANT in the dining room... He changes totally attitude and becomes a "tiny mouse" in the claws of a black, aged, Man-eating PANTHER (She's too old to be a COUGAR, and I'm too old to be a Cougar's meal...). During dinner she gets wasted and asks me to pour wine to her several times. She even tells me to keep pouring and when to stop. She starts flirting with me, she puts her leg on top of my knee to show me her booths... Are you kidding? I feel so uncomfortable. And the pity I felt for the "tiny mouse"? 
I wished at that point I could rewind the night and leave at the point when they show up uninvited... I look into her eyes and tell her in front of them: BEHAVE! Do you think she did? How embarrassing... 

When they joined me and my friend-owner of the place, I felt like leaving but then a little voice inside told me: let's see what lesson the universe wants me to learn from this... It turns out, I am the one that teaches them a lesson... 

The universe works in mysterious ways.

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